H-beam "H-20 beams”

Description :

The wooden H-beam is used in the girder and transom formwork of walls and beam and column formwork of ceilings. It is one of the load-bearing elements of the formwork, which takes the load of the freshly laid concrete. Therefore, the beam must have a load-bearing capacity that ensures the integrity of the beam to ensure the integrity of the beam itself and the reliability of the entire formwork structure.


Thinwood sawn lumber

Description :

Our company produces edged boards from thin-section sawn lumber (diameter 12-16 cm) growing in the northern regions of Karelia. The cutting is made on the miller-boarding machines of Sherwood type. The main sizes produced by our company: 43*84 mm for H-beams of P-20 type; 44*100 mm for export.


Planed products

Description :

We have two 4-way machines made in Taiwan: LeaderMac 923 и LeaderMac 623. This allows us to produce up to 200,000 linear meters of planed products per month.


Drying sawn lumber

Description :

There are 5 drying chambers of 120 m3 each on the territory of our factory. In addition to our own needs, we provide services for drying lumber to other companies of the Republic of Karelia.
